I heard this data on Radio 4 this am but have been too busy until now to share it with you.
Its good in its own right, BUT it puts our lives into perspective too.
If our Sun, in the centre of our Solar System is represented by an ORANGE, then the Earth is the size of a Pin Head! and is 10metres away from it.
Now that in itself is just mind boggling.....here am I having a cack day at work and I worry about money, and holidays and work stress and PC's and cars and family and friends...
and how warm it is gonna be at the weekend, and the SUN is so much bigger than anything I can comprehand and SO MUCH further away than I ever really appreciated that my mind just froze up for a few moments
But get this......Pluto, until recently the FURTHEST KNOWN planet (loose term apparently, but we'll use it) from the Sun that is orbiting it....
is the size of a grain of sugar, when compared to that ORANGE, and is how far from the Orange?
Well, we are 10 metres.....and Pluto is 1/2 a kilometre!
Now when you consider that we can STUDY that planet to an extent.....and if you think how big your town is, and how big England is....and how big Europe is...and how big Planet Earth is...and thats the relevant size of a pin head...and now think about how many pin heads are in 1/2 a kilometre....
my head is just....destroyed by this all
and of course we now have proof of another in orbit FURTHER away...
unreal..there's me worrying about my shoes rubbing my heels