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Thread: On this day

  1. #33
    Hexus.Jet TeePee's Avatar
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    They landed several robotic probes on the moon, and retrieved samples, but they were unmanned flights.

  2. #34
    HEXUS.timelord. Zak33's Avatar
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    cos the Yanks would'nt let the Russians into Nevada would they?

    it HAD to be a Robot

    Quote Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
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  3. #35
    Senior Member SilentDeath's Avatar
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    Zak33 no amount of capslock abuse is going to change the fact that they did land on the moon.
    Give me enough money and several years and Ill do it myself infact.

    If you have the enginering knowledge and money its not impossible.

    Look at the Xprize competition, next you will say thats impossible.

    What about the bloke who built his own cruise missile? He was an engineer and knew what he was doing. The theory behind all of these things is available for anyone to read, and learn. All you need is money.

    The US has a lot of money.

  4. #36
    Senior Member Tumble's Avatar
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    The reason why they won't do it now is that they'd have to build the vehicle to super-uber safety standards - look at the way aeroplanes have had legislation piled against them to make them safer in the last 30 years. It would be prohibitively expensive to do that in this day and age, with our current level of technology. Back in 69 - it only had to work.

    They DID land on the moon...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Quentos
    "My udder is growing. Quick pass me the parsely sauce." Said Oliver.

  5. #37
    - Exotic Love Potion Moonshade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zak33
    Yeah....and 25 years later we couldnt even get a Shuttle in and out of orbit fact we STILL CANT do it safely.

    And yet we managed to get al those blokes to land in the same bit of the moon, over and over...and get them home.

    With communications.....on Computers less powerfull than a VW Polo engine management system

    Yeah, exactly
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  6. #38
    Yes, for my sins I'm offically Zak33's *better* half... Sair33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by midzt
    Did anyone see that porgramme on TV a month or so ago, they explained all the conspiracy theorists reasons for how the moon landing never happnened.....
    I saw something about 6 months ago, assumed it was going to be a load of conspiracy theorists wanting to get on TV, I WANTED to believe man has been on the moon... but... by the end of the programme I really had serious doubts. There are an awful lot of reasons that "prove" it never happened

    Apparently the Chinese (I think?) are going to be sending something up in a few years that will take photographs of the entire surface of the moon. Then and only then will we all be sure...
    (because part of the landing module stays on the moon I believe, and therfore should be clearly visible in the photos IF they are there at all...)

    I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time.... It was them that started me drinking.

  7. #39
    Ah, Mrs. Peel! mike_w's Avatar
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    I think one of the reasons why we haven't landed on the moon recently (assuming we did in the first place) is that we're less interested in space now than we were 30/40 years years ago.
    "Well, there was your Uncle Tiberius who died wrapped in cabbage leaves but we assumed that was a freak accident."

  8. #40
    cat /dev/null streetster's Avatar
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    until i set foot on the moon i dont believe we've been there surely if we'd been to the moon there wouldnt be any evidence to suggest otherwise... the US could hardly let the USSR (russia whatever) 'win' the space race during the coldwar could they?! like i said, when i book my commercial ticket to visit the moon in 20+ years time and jump out and recite some corny neil armstrong words will i believe that we've been to the moon

  9. #41
    'ave it. Skii's Avatar
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    Give up peeps - can't make a conspiracy theorist change their views - like Silentdeath said, it was an amazing feat that was a lot easier than it seemed given some brilliant scientists, a tonne of cash, and a big old rocket - this argument will go on and on until someone goes back there, stand on the Sea of Tranquility, points at a lunar buggy and says 'Happy NOW !?!!'

  10. #42
    Senior Member Tumble's Avatar
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    thing is... there's ALWAYS some pedant whos prepared to pick something apart and find all the negative points in an argument...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Quentos
    "My udder is growing. Quick pass me the parsely sauce." Said Oliver.

  11. #43
    Cute & Fluffy GreenPiggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sair
    There are an awful lot of reasons that "prove" it never happened
    Well what were all the reasons? I will quite happily dismiss all of them(using real science) if someone would be kind enough to list a few.
    Knight 1: We are now no longer the Knights who say Ni.
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  12. #44
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    Hmmm. I'm in no doubt that it happened. It doesn't need much computing power to do it, just basic calculus to work out trajectories etc.

    And Zakkyboy, a Shuttle is completely differento to an Apollo or similar rocket, they can't be compared. Like saying that they can't make a drag racer cos they can't make an F1 car that will run 10,000 miles. They are so different, they just can't be thought of as similar apart from going into space.
    The Shuttle is not designed for Lunar missions, and to be cost effective has to be useable for a long time (in relatice terms), and as such will begin to fail and need lots of maintenance.
    The Apollo had one job, and that was to take lots of stuff up into space fast and accurately. Job done. Of course, no government now is gonna pay that kinda money for oneoff products that can never be used again- hence the shuttle and spacestation type stuff.

    I believe it happened, and I really there is no point not beliveing it.
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  13. #45
    HEXUS.timelord. Zak33's Avatar
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    Have to admit that I am bemused by ya all.....

    there are some serious brains here.....real brains, proper intellect.

    And I am NOT a conspiracy person....I take stuff at a face value, decide if I think it was possible, look into the stuff shown to me, and make a judgement.

    My judgment is that in 1968, before almost all of us were born, and when Concorde was still in its infancy, we, the human race, ddidnt have the means or the technology to safely go to an orbiting rock, land on it, jump about, and then go home again.

    30 years later, andConcorde has only just stopped being used. People like Boeing, with some of THE biggest brains in the world, are only just replacing the 747.
    The micro chip is all But do you remember in the 80's sitting watching F1 on telly.

    The highest perofrmance cars couldn't send a TV signal from a Grand Prix car, across a circuit, to a reciever for us to watch Mansel and Senna racing "in car"

    This was cutting edge, multi BILLION pound teams racing for the highest stake (bar life) was only in the 90's we started to get pictures from a little camera on a race car, that didnt go all fizzy, and cut out, on the far side of the 6 mile track!

    And yet, if I am to believe you all, we were watching, LIVE TV, of a guy walking on THE MOON which is as follows:
    Distance from the Earth:

    * perigee (closest): 363,000 km
    * semimajor axis (mean distance): 384,400 km.
    * apogee (farthest): 406,000 km

    And we could hear and see him....clear as day. Sharp enough to warrant showing the world.

    So, so sum up, cos I wont be here today to debate it anymore I am not a conspiracy theorist in the main, and on the whole. I dont care if it was faked to beat the Russians, or to boost the Governements power over the public....

    all I care about is that in my eyes, and in my head, I am sure it was faked and we aint never been there.

    However to fight from my corner is easier, cos I would LIKE to think that we have done it. So, as TiG said somewhere else once, Zak is spread betting.

    In this case however....I think I'll be right!

    Quote Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
    "The second you aren't paying attention to the tool you're using, it will take your fingers from you. It does not know sympathy." |
    "If you don't gaffer it, it will gaffer you" | "Belt and braces"

  14. #46
    Senior Member Tumble's Avatar
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    Well the telly pictuire analogy falls over straight away.. the F1 car is moving RELATIVELY very fast compared to whatever is looking for it... on the moon, ok it has to go a long way but it's relatively still - both receiver & transmitter are moving at roughly the same speed, and the facxe of the moon is always pointed at earth (moon & Earth are tidally locked, ie 1 revolution of the moon is the same as one orbit of the moon around the earth..) Light goes very fast. It only takes 10/20 seconds for a bit of light to get between the earth and the moon, the same sort of delay you get talking on a satellite phone across the pacific for example.

    and this

    Quote Originally Posted by zak33
    My judgment is that in 1968, before almost all of us were born, and when Concorde was still in its infancy, we, the human race, ddidnt have the means or the technology to safely go to an orbiting rock, land on it, jump about, and then go home again.
    sums it all up tbh... of course it wasn't safe.... The apollo capsule wasn't water-tight.. it sank on it's own without the inflateable skirts - there were so many things on that vehicle that could have gone horribly wrong - they were just lucky it only happened twice - Apollo 1 and 13.

    For another thing - we've all seen the footage of the Lunar module flying over the surface at 30 miles... the cinematography tech in those days just wasn't good enough to fake that sort of thing in so much detail. It had to have happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Quentos
    "My udder is growing. Quick pass me the parsely sauce." Said Oliver.

  15. #47
    'ave it. Skii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zak33
    My judgment is that in 1968, before almost all of us were born, and when Concorde was still in its infancy, we, the human race, ddidnt have the means or the technology to safely go to an orbiting rock, land on it, jump about, and then go home again.

    30 years later, andConcorde has only just stopped being used. People like Boeing, with some of THE biggest brains in the world, are only just replacing the 747.
    The micro chip is all But do you remember in the 80's sitting watching F1 on telly.

    The highest perofrmance cars couldn't send a TV signal from a Grand Prix car, across a circuit, to a reciever for us to watch Mansel and Senna racing "in car"

    This was cutting edge, multi BILLION pound teams racing for the highest stake (bar life) was only in the 90's we started to get pictures from a little camera on a race car, that didnt go all fizzy, and cut out, on the far side of the 6 mile track!

    And yet, if I am to believe you all, we were watching, LIVE TV, of a guy walking on THE MOON which is as follows:
    Distance from the Earth:
    Yet you yourself provided a link to the Russains own space program where they orbited the moon and took pictures, this didn't happen either ?

    Cameras on racing cars was a problem due to 2 simple things, vibration and size, although the technology was present to build a good quality camera, they were simply too big and too susceptible to the massive vibration experienced on an F1 car, on a 110metre Saturn V rocket in a 0-gravity environment - not a problem.

    As for the TV signal, this was the Austrailians job to use their Parkes Radio Telescope, the signal could not be detected from the Northern hemisphere so it was down to the aussies to relay the important pictures, now I suppose the Aussies were 'in' on the prank too now?

  16. #48
    You've got red on you.
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    all in all, when it comes down to it, does it matter?

    "wow, a moon rock, hey guys, come have a look at this"

    that being about it, im not bothered if it was a conspiricy or not, we got a damn good quote from the thing whether it happened or not.
    it'd be interesting to see them do it again though
    Pirates = Win.

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