AOL CD's get my goat up... and I've use 100's of these as "clay pigeons" when out with my air rifle.
its a case of you've got .... "PULL"
PS - at least the free DVD sized jewel cases come in very handy indeed
AOL CD's get my goat up... and I've use 100's of these as "clay pigeons" when out with my air rifle.
its a case of you've got .... "PULL"
PS - at least the free DVD sized jewel cases come in very handy indeed
McDonalds fries holders
Oh I've got a great idea - I'm going to build a cardboard holder designed to hold fries in a top-heavy arrangement, but this is the best bit
I'm going to make the bottom ROUND
Yeah, but after realising the stupidity of the design I'm going to design a tiny little fold out tab as an afterthought - so that my crummy and plainly unsuitable design will be able to stand up ....just.
Then I'm going to pi55 myself laughing as millions of freshly cooked fries all over the world go spilling out all over tables, chairs, car-dashboards and living-room carpets, the smoothly polished card arranged in a 'chute' type structure perectly designed to propel the food within the maximum possible distance.
must... remember
I once dropped someones laptop out the window - i was pretending to drop it out the window - and i did - whoooops!
When im feeling tense i just tear up a few phonebooks
Seriously though its great to just do some sort of vigourous exercise to release the tension and burn of the anger. I like to do some situps quite quickly when im miffed off, which is often
I may let my anger managemnt therapist out of this punchbag later so he can have a drink, hes been in there for three days oops did i post that
i put my fist thru a solid wood wardrobe door once, which hurt like hell for a few days after. my brother was also a source of anger management when i lived at home, but only when he was the one winding me up. peace
/wanders off to beat housemates lol
if war is the answer, then we are asking the wrong question
2 things i hate the most - xenophobia and the french
Punched the back off a chair once....
BT - They displease me. A lot. Very very much. Subhuman scum.
Any CD/DVD drive made by Samsung - I've never known such crapness.
I'll stop there as it could turn in to a huge rant.
♪~( ̄ε ̄;) (/゜ー゜)ノ ((((((●~*
BT - They displease me. A lot. Very very much. Subhuman scum.
They Suck
lots of wall bashing has gone on.
I once knocked about 5 wall tiles off my shower wall... Can't for the life of me remember WHY I punched the wall ....
People who blame criminal acts on games.
barstools that rub up against me on the tube, do it again and i punch you
dozer.. unless they are HAwT and u fancy them right ?
like that ever happens, all i ever get is smelly, fidgetty tools that for some reason think they should invade my space.
yeah.. damn parents !
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