Due to the mess up with Komplett I went 50 quid odd overdrawn, not only that another purchase I made was alowed to go through taking my ballence down to -100 pounds, I mananged to get 70 back in there so my current balance read 33 yesterday with the actual balance reading the same, today I look and the actual balance still reads the same but the avaliable balance reads -80 quid
I call up the bank and they have no record of this -80 quid and there records show that my avalaible balance is -33 quid, and they say the only thing that it could be is if I used my card today and spent some cash, I havent even left the house yet, only got up a few hours ago after sleeping off a hangover, didnt leave the house during drinking so no drunken spending could account for it
The thing that really got me is when I asked them what my current overdraft limit was and they said there wasnt a overdraft on the account.
So if thats the case why are they allowing money to come out of my account that I dont have, surly they should just decline the transactions? no they let the transactions go through so that they can charge me overdraft fees after, money grabbing bastards
Hopefully I should be ok till payday on friday as ive got them to put a 200 quid overdraft on the account, I was assured if I didnt go over 200 overdrawn then there would be no futher charges although a Indian woman reading the legal jargon overthe phone quite fast its hard to know the full ins and outs of the overdraft, I had to put it on there though or face huge charges come next friday when I get paid and go into credit again.
Anyone here know much about banking systems that can shed more light onto this situation, never having had a overdfraft before will there be charges / interest on the overdraft? when I get paid should I cancel the overdraft and try to never go over again / lock 100 quid away for emergency use only?
Also does anyone know of a bank that will not let transactions go through when there is no cash in the account? I feel that my bank is about to lose a customer.
[/end rant]