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Thread: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

  1. #17
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    See what happens when you give a president a Nobel peace prize before his PC has even booted up.

  2. #18
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    Quote Originally Posted by pp05 View Post
    See what happens when you give a president a Nobel peace prize before his PC has even booted up.
    To the best of my knowledge, neither Assad or Putin got a Nobel peace prize.

  3. #19
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    I agree entirely with you Saracen BUT... Sweden and Norway seem to stay out of things (correct me if im wrong) and their economy seems somewhat better than ours. Like you say tho, damned if we do and damned if we dont!

    Quote Originally Posted by Saracen View Post
    Problem is .... well, let's ignore, for a moment, any moral duty it might be argued we have to protect the innocent non-fighting population .... every country can be expected to act in it's own interest.

    So, suppose we don't act to protect the people, or help the opposition, yet Assad loses anyway. Now, you've got a government angry with us because we didn't help tnem, and a people angry because we didn't protect them, and never mind that it's an internal dispute in their country and really none of our business.

    Like I said, if we interfere, we're imperialist Christians invading Muslim countries, killing Muslims and deserving jihad, and if we don't, we're heartless, callous infidels that don't care about innocent civilian populations, because they're Muslim.

    Why the West? Why does it always seem to be us that's supposed to interfere? Godness knows there are enough strong and wealthy Islamic countries that could. Why don't Iran and Saudi Arabia form a joint task force? Oh wait, they're two of the powers having a punch-up by proxy in Syria now.

    As I said, damned if we do, damned if we don't.

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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    I don't know why people are whinging at Russia(as usual), when Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been supplying hundreds of millions of dollars of weaponry purchased from countries like Croatia to the opposition during the last year or so,or the fact we have kept several regimes in power with appauling human rights records in power,via supplying weapons to them,when it suits us.

    Where were all the crocodile tears when we were supplying weapons to UNITA, or the Shah of Iran,etc? The usual double standards and short memories methinks.

    The whole Arab spring has just ended up dividing the ME further among Shia and Sunni lines now,with Syria becoming another proxy war now among the regional powers,with a spattering of the cold war thrown in for good measure.
    Last edited by CAT-THE-FIFTH; 01-06-2013 at 12:18 PM.

  6. #21

    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    All these uprisings were all done by CIA and the CIA are very good at throwing in some money , letting a small number of people get hot-headed and ensure this spreads like a wildfire!

    Israel, Iran and CIA have a hand in this uprising bs. All was peaceful in Syria and suddenly there's all these uprising bs and the entire country falls into civil war. I agree with Asad when he says it's foreign powers at work. I do not however agree with how he has killed thousands of civilians, again, if this is true! Western media like BBC and CNN are the biggest liars.

    Now, if I disgress a bit ... the nutters who killed Lee are not Muslims. I don't care what the media says! A Muslim person has a Muslim name and these guys' names were Michael. Now, both were Nigerian and Nigerian people are very extreme when it comes to religion , there's regular all-out fights between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria.

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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    Quote Originally Posted by OilSheikh View Post

    Now, if I disgress a bit ... the nutters who killed Lee are not Muslims. I don't care what the media says! A Muslim person has a Muslim name and these guys' names were Michael. Now, both were Nigerian and Nigerian people are very extreme when it comes to religion , there's regular all-out fights between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria.
    According to quotes, the well-known "hate preacher" Anjem Choudary knew Michael Adebolaja by the name he took when he converted in 2003, that being Mujaheed.

  8. #23
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    Quote Originally Posted by OilSheikh View Post
    Now, if I disgress a bit ... the nutters who killed Lee are not Muslims. I don't care what the media says! A Muslim person has a Muslim name and these guys' names were Michael. Now, both were Nigerian and Nigerian people are very extreme when it comes to religion , there's regular all-out fights between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria.
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  9. #24
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    Quote Originally Posted by Whizzkid View Post
    I agree entirely with you Saracen BUT... Sweden and Norway seem to stay out of things (correct me if im wrong) and their economy seems somewhat better than ours. Like you say tho, damned if we do and damned if we dont!
    Perhaps so, regarding their economies, but I Didn't say "economy", I said "national interest". While the nationalinterest certainly inclydes economic factors, it's far more than that, jyst as your personal interest and quality of life is about much more than your salary level.

    Perhaps the most obvious example of that principle is the cold-war battle between the Soviets and NATO, not least, with the sides both took over Afghsnisranwhich, of coyrse, was not actually about Afghanistan at all, but strategic issues over the Middle East, and more particularly, oil.

    Finally, even accepting the assertion about the economies of Norway and Sweden, and the fact that they "stayed out" does not mean there is a causal link, in either direction, between those two assertions.

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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    Quote Originally Posted by Saracen View Post
    According to quotes, the well-known "hate preacher" Anjem Choudary knew Michael Adebolaja by the name he took when he converted in 2003, that being Mujaheed.
    so he knew him as a 9 year old then....

  11. #26
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    the Mig`s are effectively the same air frame as the 35`s will be in india - they only make 1 airframe now....M2 ofc means 2 seater and as cat said , its from a deal done years ago..... and its `ok` for the USA to verbally attack Russia over the sales , yet its perfectly fine to funnel billion sof $$$ worth of tech and equipment into Saudi....

    so the Russians are shipping into tartus - Israel are blowing **** up right now , but would be total nuts to go after a Russian cargo ship or 2 , since the fleet are actively patrolling (with subs) , and Russia would drop a missile or 5 on israel and that could easily go bucket of instant sunshine thnks to hot heads everywhere in the ME.

  12. #27
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    Quote Originally Posted by HalloweenJack View Post
    so he knew him as a 9 year old then....
    No. Choudary knew him a couple of years back, 2011 IIRC, but the conversion happened in 2003, while he was still at school, which is when he took that name.

  13. #28
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    the media getting things wrong as well! seems he`s actually the older one not the younger (but that depends where you look)

    so he was 28 - which made him 18 in 2003 - so potentially hate speaker could have met him then

  14. #29
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    Quote Originally Posted by HalloweenJack View Post
    the media getting things wrong as well! seems he`s actually the older one not the younger (but that depends where you look)

    so he was 28 - which made him 18 in 2003 - so potentially hate speaker could have met him then
    Potentially he could have, but that wasn't what he said. I don't have the link to the quote without searching again, but Choudary said said, paraphrasing :-

    - Choudary met him at a few rallies
    - it was 2 or 3 years ago
    - Choudary didn't know him well, hadn't seem him for a while
    - the conversion was about 2003, while at school
    - the name taken on conversion was Mujaheed.

    So yeah, it's possible they met in 2003 and Choudary has forgotten about it or is lying about it, but I've not seen anything in the media to suggest that. It seems simply to ge an interpretation of one sentence of mine that was perhaps ambiguous, which is why I've clarified what I meant, which was that the conversion was 2003-ish, and that's when he adopted that Islamic name, and that Choudary met him, but we don't know if it was anything more than a passing acquainrance, some years later, at rallies. Beyond that, it's speculation.

  15. #30
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    would seem to me the connection is al-Muhajiroun , and somewhere drugs were in involved.

  16. #31
    The late but legendary peterb - Onward and Upward peterb's Avatar
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    Re: In the same week as Islamic nutters hacked a soldier to death...

    Perhaps a better title for the thread would have been

    In the same week as nutters hacked a soldier to death in the name of Islam...

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