Well, it was Tuesday actually, but hey ho.
Sat in my house, which is for sale, fretting about if it will sell in time for me to buy a new house, bigger, posher etc etc etc,
Watching my cable tv, on 32" Lowe TV which was nearly a grand, watching UK History.
And got smacked in the eyes by a British Red Cross appeal.
Dunno why it got to me so hard....but it did. I was fretting about my house not selling, and a kid had just stood on a land mine and blown his leg off.
So, along with the RSPCA who have had a monthly payment from me for over a decade, the British Red Cross get a fiver per month too now.
Dont matter how bad it is....if you are sat in front of a PC, it means you are ont homeless.
Think about it.
But dont let it ruin ya day...do summit tho...anything
Cheers peeps