Some great suggestions here, Who knew board gaming was this popular!
I like the look of Arkhum Horror but the game length is putting me off for now, although will be looking to pick up Elder signs as a "break in" longer game.
Also as a huge Discworld fan I am going to order one of them games soon. Either Ankh Morpork or Witches. I forgot I bought Thud a few years ago and was a great game, unfortunately my partner at the time was too obsessed with "Farmville" to play it properly. Perhaps it is time to dust it off and see how it plays now.
We are off to my fathers house this weekend to try Pandemic with more people (if it ever arrives *shakes fist at Yodel*).
If that works well and we enjoy it we have said we should make it a regular thing with family and friends. Cheaper than a night out... i'm not tight, just finacially frigid.
Edit: My partner likes the look of Ticket to Ride so that's going to be trialled soon too.
Edit 2: Thanks scaryjim, theres a LFGS in Horsham called BattleQuestGames. Going to pop in there at the weekend and see what they stock.