Bath: no doubt. At all. Sair has a monster power shower, at her house, and I am converted to the benefits, but I still prefer the bath.
1: Beer gets watery in the shower. So does Gin and tonic. You need a nice drink while relaxing
2: Relaxing. Having my skin peeled from my body, and being pinned to the end of the tiled wall by the interia from a real shower, whilst invigorating, is tiring. Besides, being quite slim I am in danger of sliding down the plug hole, so IF I take a shower, I have to carry a broom stick or other item loarger than the plug with me so IF I slip, I cant fall down the plug to my death.
3: One of lifes finest feelingas is the sheer terror of getting your toe stuck in the tap, and then the pure exultation of getting it free again. Ya cant do that (comfortably) in a shower. Ifyou'venot done it I stringly recommend you try. Its lik ethe tidal wave of pleasure you get when you realise you've lost your wallet/purse and then you find it after 15 minutes panic. Its ace.
4: Baths do better things for your leg muscles. And your back muscles. If you ache, a shower aint worth anything.
5: Whatsall this about relaxing in a bath and effectively soaking in your own dirt? Drivvel. Utter drivel. if you're that dirty, shower brieflyfirst, but remember how soap works. It holds the oily dirt particles in a kind of suspension. Just cos you havewarm water streaming over your body, and you'r merrily sponging away, doesnt mean you're soaking out all the grime from your skin. You might be LOSING some skin if its a real shower tho.
6: I rest my case. Showers do not own baths.