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Why not Saudi? Or Pakistan, for that matter?
Because, as I understand it, the Saudi and Pakistani governments cooperate with the US, UK etc, on in-depth vetting of visa applicants. The governments on the 'banned seven' do not, or cannot.
So .... if the objective is about keeping undesirable, questionable or known risky individuals OUT, then in the absence of cooperation on in-depth vetting, letting those nations in is a complete punt.
What Trump said on the campaign was, paraphrasing, "keep Muslims out until we can sort out what the hell is going on".
The policy interpretation of that appears to be to temporarily prevent individuals from the banned seven, while .... according to the White House .... sorting out the extreme vetting issues.
And, after all, with ISIS being driven back in Syria and Iraq, among others, the notion of some of the foreign fighters that went there to fight for ISIS leaving and seeking to go elsewhere to cause mayhem is entirely plausible, if not actually probable.
While I doubt even Trump would guarantee that this 'ban' will keep ALL terrorists out, it's hard to argue that a real threat doesn't exist, and that if this measure, affecting people for whom extreme vetting has been hard or impossible, then in the interests of protecting US citizens, at home, prevents even some getting in, then at least as a stop-gap temporary measure, it's HIS call to make.
I wonder if that famous "The Buck Stops Here" plaque still sits on the desk in the Oval? Because now, the buck stops with Trump, and if there is a successful attack, he'll have to justify having done everythinv he could to prevent it.