Lo people
I know.. I know... it's damnably hot. If this was Good Morning Vietnam you'd be giving it the full Robin Willams
So... how to cool yourself down in a hot hot environment.
A) Air flow - dont just have a fan aimed at your head. Yes it works but not for the whole room or building. Think about a PC case.. air in.. air out... and adjust the fans near windows accordingly. Get the air in from the side of the building that is in shade and blow it out the other end.
Do NOT have two fans both sucking into a room with nowhere for the air to go.. you cant inflate a room. One in.. one out.. create a breeze. If yuou need to close a room door to direct air, do it. That pair pressure nee to go soemwhere. In my house I have a fan downstairs blowing OUT of the window becaue two upstairs are pulling in. It works.
B) Personal temp control. When it gets very very hot, mid afternoon like now.. 32C in my office, you need to cool your blood directly. If you have a freezer or fridge at work, keep an ie pack of a bottle of water in there, and hold it on your wrists. That main artery will cool you after a minute or so. If you're in the toilets and the taps are cool, run water over your wrists while you wash your hands for a minute. Bring that body temp down.
C) Hydration - lets not pretend, it's sticky and you're sweating. Now, at work or in company you can't get smelly, so it's time to drink lots of water. But if you're outdoors and working, you don't need to strip down. I wear a cheap cottom long sleeve tshirt from tesco when I work in the heat. You need to sweat and NOT loose the moisture. It's not a good smell, but if you're gonna work for hours, the sweat will build up and a little micro climate of moist air will stay near your skin and you will feel it. Drink lots, but you will stay cooler and not dehdrate so fast. Sounds mad? Check out any photo's of people crossing desserts and look at the robes.
D) Food. Some food heats you up fast. I'm persnally finding oatmeal biscuits are a nightmare.. hobnobs. Body temp SHOOTS up. Stick with salads if you can people. Lower carbs, so your interanal furnace doesn't kick in.
E) Emergeny cooling IF you're in dire emergency heat, and you literally don't care what people think, pour a little water in each ear. trust me... elephants know what they're doing.
Remember- evaporation of liquid from your body is what cools you. It's how we work as humans. If you evaporate a lot, you lose a MAMMOTH amount of water. When you pee, it should NOT look like you could refill a highlighter pen with it.
Drink waaaay more water than you think you need, and pee clear people.