.... wireless ESD wriststraps.
I can see G8ina's rolleyes from here.
Okay, the title might have a tiny smidge of a pun in it, accidental-like .... and it's 30 mins of your life to watch this, but if you have a spare half hour to waste.... I mean invest in educational material, it's worth it for the s%^!s and giggles.
I just wanna know how much Linus is hamming it up? My guess, Some .... but not entirely.
And I want one of those home-brew Van Der Graaf generator thingies .... as part of my anti-burglar precautions. I wonder if it'd be illegal if the ampage accidentally got stepped up a smidge? I mean, if I do it right, the burglar sure won't be lodging a complaint.
Yes, I'm kidding.