Wow, its not often you email a company asking for new BIOS' for your graphics card and they will quite happily email you back with the BIOS, how to do it and asking for your old BIOS version so they can track the issue's throughout the BIOS revisions.
I fire off an email to Keith on the forums here, check back in a few hours there is the reply asking for my email address, next thing I know my inbox is graced with instructions and a new BIOS build. Obviously these updates are done at your own risk, but this is the first time I've had a reply from a manufacturer which are happy to dish out the goods.
Can't fault them at all on their support, the speed, the ease it is to get files and update from them and the FAQ that even shows you the ropes of how to do these updates So I guess you won't be needing the dodgy BIOS' off the net anymore, these guys will send you the latest and greatest if you ask nice enough