(LMAO literally)
(LMAO literally)
6014 3DMk 05Originally Posted by Errr...me
Which tasted good coming from the freshly squeezed...
Then a beautiful girl called...
6014 3DMk 05Originally Posted by Errr...me
...came over for a pint. She had the most beautiful...
Made of the skin from that bit behind the back of the knee that no-one knows the name of.
And Vaul had a strong desire to itch it, leading to a prompt
6014 3DMk 05Originally Posted by Errr...me
restraining order.
Which was amazingly served to him by
6014 3DMk 05Originally Posted by Errr...me
MC Hammer, who now spends his time
giving Kez the Daily reviews.
6014 3DMk 05Originally Posted by Errr...me
on Hexus, under the name "Private Pyle"
which explains why Sniblsnurble has the highest number ofdeaths related with
6014 3DMk 05Originally Posted by Errr...me
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