If they want to stay in business they have too. When i was a kid my mum and her friends used to buy stuff from Kays, littlewoods and loads of other catalogues and return stuff all the time. They still do in fact. It's just the way it works, it's part of thier business model and no one would buy from them if they did not offer this service. Unfortunately Kay's etc catalogues are way over priced, online stores tend to be a bit cheeper (usually cheeper than highstreet)Originally Posted by Stormsinger
The thing is, you if you are not sure what size you need you order the same item in a few sizes and send the one's you don't want/does not fit. Kay's, Littlewoods etc recommend you do this as saves on thier postage cost rather than sending stuff back and forth untill you get the right fit. I remember mum mother once ordering like 50 odd things, only keeping about 2 i think.
The thing about buying cloths, for me anyway, is that i often don't really know if i like something until i get it home. Often i buy something, only to get home a think "what on earth was i on?". Also, its an hour to any major city so online shoppping would be much less hastle and i would have loads more to choose from.
So, any recommendations then?