stars are the dead pixels of the image map of space!
stars are the dead pixels of the image map of space!
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
Surely theyd have to be stuck pixels, as dead pixels are generally regarded as black?
all the dead pixels i have had have been white
maybe i had stuck pixels?
i thought dead pixels were white
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
Sorry, thought i heard a pot calling somewhereOriginally Posted by PrivatePyle
The ancient Egyptians believed stars were bread crumbs on the ears of Gyros, God of pot plants and ants nests.
the reason i brought this to peoples attention was not to spam the forums, i was standing outside earlier and it was still light, and i saw one star shining and it looked ot be infront of the clouds, and it reminded me of a dead pixel hanging there in the sky. then i got to thinking, asif i were on drugs, but i wasnt, that what if the sky is all a big monitor and that was a dead pixel, matrix style.
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
^ On drugs.Originally Posted by mmh
i wasnt on drugs, which is the weird thing... i was just pumped for proactise with my band, which gave me a natural highOriginally Posted by Stewart
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
A natural high? I can't see it catching on.
nah nor me, but it works for me!
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
Reality is just for people who can't handle drugs.
I know the feeling though - a nice cloudless night, stars in the sky, the sound of a drunk trying to kill a fox with a dustbin lid, missing and falling inside. Magical.
Personally I reckon stars are God's dandruff.
Stewart, your wrong, Gyros is the greek god of meat on a stick.
Not around too often!
if i beleived in religion i would see snow as gods dandruffOriginally Posted by Rave
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
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