id buy my parents house for them, buy the neighbours house so that my parents can live in there while i live in their house, my another house close to me and knock it down and build a massive garage out of it, put foot walls all the way round the 3 houses and the massive garage with big Rought Iron (sp???) gates at the front, the walls would be grey, id then build the perfect Kitcar (or four) each different colours and with different engines. id then drive round the country in these cars, handing out money to those who needed it willy nilly, once ive given out a few million to some hobo's ill give another few million ot some charities, then take my most favourite kitcar, my wallet, a bottle of water, a sandwich... and drive all the way down england, over to france, and all across europe jsut buying what i need as i need it, finally ending up in chezch republic or russia or somewhere, then fly back (with my car ofcourse) home again, give out some more money to peopel who needed it and to some charities, then have all my amtes round in my massive back yard for a mad night out in our hometown like the old days, id then change my name to maxamillion and live out a life of leisure at home, playing counter strike source for copius amounts of time, and the odd session on warcraft, (of course id have a mad beefy computer)
just my thoughts