The last few weeks text messages have been taking an age for them to get to their destination. Put aside the fact that orange SMS's are now 12p on PAYG, all new orange customers get 1.8k texts free a year, and I'm not happy.
Last week i phoned up 450 to top my phone up via my credit card. I was asked quite a few of questions about my address and post code by an electronic machine - which took ages. You also had to confirm everything that you entered.
Now tonight, i go and top up via my card. After a 3min + call, answering various questions (again) i get told "We'll process your transaction and top up you phone soon".
SOON ?!?!
Ive been using this card with this phone since i had it years ago. CC payments have always been instant. If i wanted to wait for my phone to be topped up, i would buy vouchers. What the hecks the point in CC top-up if they are going to take the main reason its used for away ?
Ive had enough with them, this is the last straw. Im going to get a new SIM for another network, untill next year when i will be getting a new phone + a contact.
Shame on you Orange