Nice one Preston
Im ruling out electric/ultrasonic repellers for alot of reasons, but Im thinking momma mousey has had kiddy mouseys not too long ago, or is certainly breeding atm so they're not gonna budge.
Just going to have to remove as much attainable food sources as possible (which unfortunately means a total clearout of my room) and get going with the traps. Been reading that for larger numbers of mice, the same live trap system wont work, and they'd rather chew through the trap to get to the food (the plastic ones) . . . so you need one of those larger box type ones if you want to get the whole lot as mice can attract other mice (although surely I wouldve thought there would be some way of communicating to other mice "don't come this way, it's a trap!")
The tricky thing is how far to drop them off - they seem to have immense homing skills and Im beginning to think 5m(iles!) aint gonna be enough!