After the dissapointing performace of the Nvidia 8600/8500 cards, I'm hoping AMD/ATI will bring something good to the midrange sector.
I've had to return my X1600XT and I'm awaiting a refund, so I'm lightly browsing for a replacement (I've got onboard and I'm not going to be around much in the next couple of months to play).
There'a a couple of pics out there of cards, but I'm after finding out whether there's going to be a X1950Pro/7900GS £100 beater. I can hold off till there release, but is it going to be worth it? I guess the prices of old cards will only go down so there's nothing to lose in waiting, but if AMD can't take the midrange sector with their new cards after flopping the top end they're going to regret buying up ATI.