I am thinking of building a new PC based around a Q6600 and am wondering about which graphics card to get for it.
I will mainly be using Linux, but will have a dual-boot windows option for a few games which don't like wine.
My question is, of the 8800GT and HD3870, which would be better for a Linux PC. I will be playing some OpenGl games under Linux, and using windows for occasional games. The monitor I am planning to get has a max resolution of 1680x1050, so I don't necessarily need something that's great at 24in+ resolutions.
I have used ATi cards previously under Linux and their driver support has always been shakey. Is this better for more recent cards, or should I go with Nvidia (who have normally had better Linux support for their cards)?
Alternatively, is it worth going for something a little less cutting edge like a 2nd-hand 320MB 8800GTS or maybe a HD3850?
Any thoughts would be appreciated, especially those who have tried out the linux drivers on these new cards.