Processor: AMD X2 6000+
Motherboard: ASUS M2A-VM
OS: Vista x64
RAM: Currently 2GB PC5300, but I'm thinking of most likely upgrading to the 4GB PC6400 Geil memory posted in the current bargains board.
PSU: Winpower 450W (I'm hoping this is actually powerful enough)
Case: EYE-T Silver X-Blade Mid Tower Case - With 450W PSU (in case it matters, due to possible space limitations etc.)
My question is, what graphics card should I pick? I'm not the sort of person that would bother with Crysis, but I probably would go for CoD4, however since the integrated graphics of the M2A-VM is ATI Radeon Xpress 1250 1GB Hypercaching, would it mean that an ATI card would be the best one?
Also, I tend to use a resolution of 1024x768 for most things, so I'd assume that even in gaming, it'd probably only be 1280x1024 maximum (though I could be wrong I guess.....I have 2 monitors that I can use, a 14" and a 19", both LCD's, the 19" being a HD-Ready Acoustic Solutions ASTVD 3119WS).
(Sorry about the editing, I kept remembering bits that I'd forgotten to include)