Hi all I am after a picture or a description of how the componant inputs are on this monitor.
Is it via 3 rca type conectors or a dsub or what?
Any help would be great on this
Hi all I am after a picture or a description of how the componant inputs are on this monitor.
Is it via 3 rca type conectors or a dsub or what?
Any help would be great on this
Dunno if this is the right one but
Google Image Result for http://www.hwupgrade.it/immagini/3-09-2007_hyu3.jpg
If it's in the specs that is has component then it will be seperate 3/5 cable inputs I would imagine.
scan says
Input: 1 x Component Video
1 x D-Sub
1 x DVI-D
1 x HDMI
so it will be seperate imo.
Yeah its separate will post an image in a minute if it ever finishes uploading to image shack...
Tada, picture of my brothers inputs (same monitor as asked about).
So we have from left to right HDMI, DVI, D-Sub, Component Video, Component Audio, stereo line in and out.
Last edited by Webby; 13-02-2008 at 01:17 AM. Reason: Added picture :)
Now how do you think a video signal from say a dvd player would Look like through the COMPONANT INPUTS would be different to that of a normal TV with the same inputs?
I suppose what I am saying is :
As this is a MONITOR and NOT a TV then will the colors be different on screen?
I want to use this monitor to MONITOR HD footage from an EDIT PC VIA COMPONANT the resolution of this output will be 1920 x 1080i and this monitor should do this correct??
any thoughts on this
Last edited by Lazerus; 18-02-2008 at 11:57 AM.
My brother used to watch tv through the composite and he didn't complain of colours looking wrong etc now he watches on HDMI and the colours still display the same as you would expect.
Had this Screen for a while now for my PC - coming up from a 19" TFT - It's great.
Anyway, I was digging around in my cupboard and came across my PS2. So I thought I'd connect it up to
the component ports and play some TT Superbikes ( I'm Manx by the way ). Unfortunatley, the screen will only display in black and white? how the hell do I get it display in colour????
Any help would be greatly received. Cheers.
Does a PS2 have RGB component? I would have thought it was just single channel video (Yellow plug).
Yep, It has RGB connectors. Yellow ( Vid ) White ( Left aud ) and Red ( Right aud ).
Looking further into this, I see that you can get cables for the PS2 that have 5 component connectors
to match the 5 connections on the W240D - I'm only using the cable that has 3 connectors that came with the PS2.
Could someone confirm that I need a cable with 5 connectors to run the PS2 on this monitor?
Yeah thats not RGB (red green blue), the yellow is video the red (other red :s) and white are audio. So you are only providing 1 channel video when the monitor is looking for 3.
So yeah you need one of the component leads with 5 connectors.
Result! everything working now.
Well, apart from awful sound and the graphics are pretty crud. Oh well, that's why i've got a PC I suppose.
Thank you Webby.
Last edited by Thargoid Killer; 13-04-2008 at 10:07 PM. Reason: brain not working
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