I have a friend who has a 9800se AIW and recently put a Vantec Iceberq4 CCB-A4C Copper VGA cooling kit with Blue LED which is rated for a ATI9800.
The problem is that he now gets blocks and lines on bootup, although it does boot into wondows. I thought this could be overheating, so he is currently redoing the mod. I also suggested that he use some newly applied Arctic Silver on the heatsink as he used the stuff from the old Heatsink. Am i right in thinking epoxy stuff is conductive btw and its the AS thats not? Even tho it should be ok providing a neat job is done.
He also said he put a small scratch on the PCB, although i am not sure how big as he hasnt got a digi camera to show. It sounds superficial tho. I sugested getting some Electrically Conductive Silver Paint and carefully applying it with a pin head to the scratch and using a pencil rubber to remove it.
I'm also thinking thats its possibly that the GPU core has been crushed by the newer heatsink. Is this as common as it is with CPU's?
He has tried most of the obvious like trying it in another computer, reseating the card & reinstalling drivers.
Has anyone got any other ideas/comments?