On my recent build with above Mainbord and build in 3200 hd, Through my hdmi the picture quality is poor, am using latest drivers and software, but the problem is that the video gets grainy and a bit pixel-lated /hazy when watching full screen. The video is clear, however in a small window.
I would not use it for normal windows or internet browsing either, while very bright but not at all clear compared to my 15" lcd connected through vga.
It's not that anything is faulty, I don't think. but rather we the consumers are simply being coned in to believing something that is not true.
My questions are, should hd be better quality than vga? If so what card would offer me this, and has there been any like for like comparisons with 32" or above hd tv's?
And didn't we have a consumer watchdog, what happened to them, if false claims are being made or good are not offering as described, shouldn't they be checking these things?