where can i get the thermal tape for gfx memory ? , the foamy type stuff . i need to replace it on my 3870's , have searched but it seems to thin what i have found
where can i get the thermal tape for gfx memory ? , the foamy type stuff . i need to replace it on my 3870's , have searched but it seems to thin what i have found
thx but what thinkness would i need ? , comes in sizes 0.5mm - 5.0mm thickness . not sure which would be best
Last edited by chaotic_russ; 25-07-2009 at 09:17 PM.
Scan has some thermal tape in stock:
Ebay is a good source too:
not sure but i would say 3mm should do it
3mm is about the norm, dont go with 5mm
If I was you I'd get some 0.5, some 1 and some 3, that way you can stack them. If you're sure they are 3mm though, get them.
thx all
Are thoes thermal pads double sided? ie could be used on individual chip heat sinks.
or only single sided? ie for gpu&memory combined coolers.
[rem IMG]https://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i45/pob_aka_robg/Spork/project_spork.jpg[rem /IMG] [rem IMG]https://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i45/pob_aka_robg/dichotomy/dichotomy_footer_zps1c040519.jpg[rem /IMG]
Pob's new mod, Soviet Pob Propaganda style Laptop.
"Are you suggesting that I can't punch an entire dimension into submission?" - Flying squirrel - The Red Panda Adventures
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thermal pads have no glue, thermal tape does.
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