I notice a lot of people are thinking about the ATI 5770 graphics card as a possible upgrade.
My PC is a DELL XPS420 Quadcore 2.4ghz, 4GB ram - originally supplied with 8800gt graphics.
My 8800gt gave up the ghost last weekend and after reading several reviews I purchased an Asus HD5770 voltage tweak edition, tempted by its better performance and low power requirements.
When i'm browsing or doing mundane stuff such as word processing it's fine - almost silent.
However when I play any games such as Dragon Age it is VERY NOISY.
Seriously, its like a full scale fan heater clicking and whirring - even with my headphones on I can hear it. When I exit the game, the fan goes back to silent.
Is this normal for a HD5770 or do I have a faulty card?
Thanks for any ideas and responses!