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If you've got £1200 to spend on a a screen, I say definitely go for a 30inch now. You're looking at a good few years before affordable OLEDs of that size and resolution. Depends what you do with your screen, but for all-round stuff, a 30incher can't be beat. At the moment, I use a Dell 3007WFP-HC flanked by 2 x 2001FP (20inch 4:3) screens. I managed to find the 30 inch screen less than £800 'refurbished' a couple of years back and it has been perfect for me.
I've also been using a 3x 24inch setup at work. This is good for programming, but not so good for certain other stuff, where the 30inch screen wins (photo-editing, games). I think its definitely important to have more than one screen even if you have a 30 inch, as screen-borders provide a natural division between applications, so if you're using one or two apps on your main screen - you can still have outlook open on a second screen for example.
Also it's all about IPS screens if you have any desire to rotate them (v. useful for certain apps). Don't bother with anything less!