I have a 19" LCD monitor which seems to hate VGA at it's recommended resolution. DVI to DVI is great, DVI to VGA and VGA to VGA is askew. The picture is shifting 30% of screen width to the right at 1280x1024. This is the only resolution that it does this. Nothing I do has any affect.
It never used to do this, on my old computer it worked fine on DVI to VGA but it doesn't now. And
I've just been given an old AMD X2 4400, with an NVidia GPU (no DVI), to clean up and sell which I've tried it on but gets the same problem.
Any ideas on what could be the problem? I wanted to bundle it with the X2 but unless it's going to granny who likes big icons then it's a bit pointless and I don't really want to fork out on a new GPU with DVI.
The other thing I thought was trying a VGA to DVI but having never tried this previously and not having the right connector I thought I'd ask you lot before buyiing a connector.
As ever any advice is greatly appreciated.