Not a happy bunny. Bought a 9500 from Retek ebay site but didn't have chance to test it as I was in France for three weeks just after purchasing it and when I returned my little brother had managed to blow my PSU somehow using the machine, taking out motherboard meaning RMAing both parts and surviving using my laptop/uni machines. Well, they've been returned and work fine with my old GF2MX and friend's ti4200. Tried putting in the 9500.... weird primary colour pattern on screen, huge blocks, nothing like bootup/bios screen at all when turning machine on. Tried resetting mobo bios, monitor wouldn't even turn on. So, the card's borked. I'm also three days outside the 30 day warranty period. Man, am I not happy. Any ideas what to do? Any idea if Retek are very strict on this warranty?