Hi there,
I'm having issues with my HTPC. I want to use it with a TV as the output exclusivly (ie no monitor). I'm using Windows XP Media Centre Edition and I can't get any output from the SVideo output (or the composite for that matter).
I select PAL/I as the TV standard then click ok and the monitor turns off. However, nothing appears on the TV.
I've tried several different sets of drivers now from 31.something to 61.something and they all do the same thing.
I know everything is plugged in ok as the bios screen comes up ok and everything comes up (in NTSC standard, ie black and white on my PAL TV) right up to the point where the windows logon screen should appear, then nothing. I can still hear the windows noises and I can use the keyboard to login and shut the computer down, I just can't see what I'm doing.
I've tried the special media centre driver on the nvidia website and that doesn't support older cards like the G2 ti so that avenue is closed off to me.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?