Sparkles are usually a video memory problem. Either the memory is being driven faster than it can cope or some fault has developed so it can no longer work as expected.
A nice image is written to the ram, when but sending to the screen a corrupted version is read back.
I had a similar problem with a 7900GT card some years ago which didn't cool half the ram chips properly so they got cooked. Replaced under warranty.
Seen it in other cards which were too old to be returned so they just got binned.
You might be able to underclock the video memory to get a stable picture. You might also be able to improve the cooling around the card.
Is the card overclocked at all?
Is the fan working OK on the card?
If you turn the machine off and take the card out, try blowing down the exhaust vents of the heatsink and see if it was bunged up with dust. Best done out of a window, can get really messy