I'm not 100% sure, but i'll try to chime in with some (hopefully) ok comment
Out of the 760 or the 280x i would go with the 280x personally, with mantle aswell with your Amd rig. But i think that the Gpu you have now is no slouch! That would be around the 270 performance i think for a 7870, i think you have quite a nice balanced system with that Gpu in your rig at the minute aswell!
so i think you should have 3 choice
Keep your 7870 for the time being and save your mullah, a 280x or a 760
I'd be looking at either keeping the 7870 for a bit longer or the 280x
I hope it helps! I haven't had much sleep (at all) today so im probably incoherent... not that i'm not usually...