I just built a new system based around a Asus p5p800 mobo, intel p4 3.4 processor, 1 gig ram some my old components and the above vid card. Now everything seemed to be going fine until I crashed a coouple times in Doom3 and Halflife2 with the supplied drivers.
So what do I do like good little tard but go to ati's site and download the latest divers and install them. This is where my troubles began in any other colour the True I get dots appearing in my windows desktop as well as 3d games if they start at all. I have since tried uninstalling and going back to the factory drivers with the same results. If I just use the xp drivers I can use any colour scheme with no problems so I don't think the card is F'd. I downloaded the beta Omeaga drivers same problem. I don't have Pci devices in slot 1 or 5. The mobo manual tells me agp is shared with usb ports 1 though 4 could this be a problem? I also discovered that my 9800 is actually being detected as residing in pci bus1, device 0, function 0 , now when i try to force it with the omega adapter software to agp4 or 8 I restart and its still back on the pci bus.
I read some where that I might need to reinstal xp is this nescasary or can I do a repair.
Thanks I am at my wits end here...Randy