Right thanks to all those who've helped so far, I'm not out of the woods yet tho...
Vimeous, as per your advice I checked the GPU fan - working. I did notice however that the heatsink (it's the reference ATi design) was very hot, almost too hot to touch. Do you or anyone else know if this is normal?
Next thing was to reset all the BIOS AGP settings to default, thus:
- primary graphics adapter - AGP
- Search for MDA Resources - Yes
- VLink 8x Support - Enabled
- AGP Mode - 8x
- AGP Fast Write - Enabled
- Graphics Aperture Size - 64Mb
- AGP 3.0 calibration Cycle - Disabled
- DBI output for AGP Trans - Disabled
Started Lock On, same story as it was when i first installed it after the upgrade, maybe 5 mins play then crash.
Next I opened up the case again and unplugged the power from both optical drives, the second hard disk, the blue neon and a fan. Same story, crunch!
So I'm guessing by the fact that reducing the load on the PSU didn't help that it's not a power issue. I guess it could be overheating on the GPU although it's running at standard clock speeds with the ATi reference cooler just as it always has and I only started having a problem with it now....
Any further ideas?