I bought this from overclockers.co.uk 3 weeks ago and have just started using it today as i was waiting on some memory aswell.
I put the card in booted up and it ran fine for 30 mins. before the screen corrupted, so i powered it off.
I then opened the case panel and felt massive heat coming from the graphics card and i knew this wasnt right, i put my finger on the core heatsink and burnt my finger - not gd. So i let things cool down then started it up again and noticed the fan wasnt turning!
This is obviously not gd, i took it out and replaced with my old backup one and when boxing it up I noticed the fan on the core heat sink was way off centre and slightly slanted, hitting the heatsink when rotating, this stopped it from turning, I gave it a little nudge just to see if it was just out of clip but that didnt help, and i dont want to do anything more.
Does anyone know if overclockers will fix/replace this without much hastle?