Hi guys need a guide to 7 volt modding my radeon 9800 please.
Hi guys need a guide to 7 volt modding my radeon 9800 please.
lucky i had one in my favourites :->
Its a simple procedure but with very dangerous concequences if u dont follow the guide closely, you have 2 wires, u join 1 to X bridge on a chip on the card pcb, u then join the other end to a 10k variable resistor (available at over-clock) u take another wire and join to bridge Y on the bridge, other end to the resistor and by lowering the resistance u increase the voltage because resistance in parallel = 1/2.
Prob best look at the guide
also its not called 7v modding.
7v modding is wher eu use the potentail difference between +12v and +5v to get 7v, which is usefull to make fans quieter.
somehtings it doesnt mention:
differnet revisions of cards have different chips, make sure ur doing exactly the same to exactly the same chips in the pic. (voltage regualtors etcc...)
any volt mods will require decent cooling.
www.maplin.co.uk is very good for components and has v fast delivery. i prefer to use a 5k pot in series with a 5k normal, or similar, prevents any chance of putting it to low (dpends on card etc..
Sorry i only want to make my fan quieter and not up the voltage on the card.
lol :S oops, well considering the fans on gfx cards are 2 wire i doubt u can do much unless u use resistors.
3D Mark 2k1 - 20661
If you get a customer, or an employee, who thinks he's Charles Bronson, take the butt of your gun and smash their nose in.
it wasnt very clear :O
i wouldnt recomned doing that for a gfx card fan, they usually have rubbishrubbishrubbishrubbishe cooling performance, and are niosy as fook in doing so... u might wanna consider a vantec iceberq4 or somming, i have the icebeerq1 on my gfx (tempory till mine gets watercooled - i doubt it is cooling it as much as id like) but the new ones are supost to be a lot better
wot i use:
updated version:
also, i dont think these are worth the money(though they are almost silent), but theres no cheap alternative i know about.... and dont bother with a zalman/TT passive cooler, there rubbishrubbishrubbishrubbishe.
u could go ghetto and stick a small cpu heatsink and 40mm fan on it
3D Mark 2k1 - 20661
If you get a customer, or an employee, who thinks he's Charles Bronson, take the butt of your gun and smash their nose in.
Well I have a thermaltake crystal orb sitting around doing nothing maybe i should fit that with some artic silver adhesive, what do you think or are these really noisy too.
Heck the 9800 pro wasen't that loud to me!! but if you want it quiter try this.
Here is one way unplug the fan from the video card and plug it into the red and black pins on the molex male cable with an adapter plug you can make from a female molex cable and run wires to the fan,you will haft to cut the video fan wire plug off to attach the female molex cable and make sure you use swrink tubebing so it want short out the fan.
BTW if you cut the voltage to the card to lower fan speed it might hurt your performance of the card.
^ DONT do that. 5v'ing the fan might not even be enuf to for it to spin up, with some fans... dont go lower than 7v.
unless the card gets hot enuf to dmage itself, there wont be performacnce loss atall, but u could easly kill ur card.
get a new cooler/use orb but use a lot of paste, or take off the shim
Thank god the 9600 non pro has a passive HS
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He wants quit and you suggest an orb lol hell might as well to stay with what he has lol.
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