After having a softmodded 9500nonpro for a while,
I decided to bite the bullet, and hardmod it.
Here,s a brief description for anyone thinking of
doing the same....The same procedure also applies for
the 9800se&aiw obviously only do this if the softmod works perfectly.
I thought actually bridging the two connectors
would be the hard it turned out it
wasnt...what turned out to be a right pain
was taking off the two pins which hold the heatsink
in place....
once off I carefully moved the heatsink
from side to side until it eventually came off,
revealing that lovely core
The connections are so small,
I used the tip of a needle
to bridge the two connectors
with conductive paint (imo using a needle
was ideal for this)
the bridge I made with the needle
was almost perfect :O)...but you need
steady hand.
Then came to reinstalling the heatsink,
yet again those pins prooved to be a pain,
but i managed to get them in.
My 9500nonpro bios was already flashed to
325/310 pro speeds (MUFUs bios)
so after installing the card back into
my board,
started my pc.....booted
into windows fine.....I loaded
my fav cats 3.7...rebooted
and low and behold....I now
have a hard modded 9700pro
For anyone who,s think of doing it..
do isnt that hard.
Just need a bit of patience
some small pliers, a needle, a screwdriver and some conductive paint....I used Electrolube silver conductive paint.
And now for all intents and purposes
I have a 9700pro