I've had this problem in the past as well - notably when I first got this motherboard, cpu etc. It kinda went away after a while of messing around with drivers etc, though I don't know if I ever actually properly fixed it, or it just didn't show up the same as it used to, and either way I don't remember what I did.
The problem is this - my system seems to temporarily hang roughly every minute for perhaps a quarter or half a second. It is most noticeable when playing music via Winamp - the song will make a stuttering sound before continuing fine. It seems to affect videos too (playing using BSPlayer).
EDIT - I've tested it with my onboard sound (which is what I usually use) and my Logitech USB Headset. The only difference is that the music will actually cut out with the headset then come back in again instead of stuttering.
The only real things I've changed recently are removing my 250GB secondary hard disk and replacing it with a 500GB one. Also I've recently connected up a secondary monitor. I can't see how either of these things would mess me up, but I'm open to suggestions of any kind!
My system specs:
AMD Athlon 64 3200+ @ 2.6Ghz (260x10) - 1.584V
DFi Infinity nf4 Motherboard (skt939)
2x512MB Corsair TwinX DDR RAM PC3200 @ 185Mhz CAS2 3-2-7-9-16 T1 timing
Abit ATi Radeon X850XT PE (Omega 3.8.291)
Samsung Spinpoint P80 160GB SP1614C (Primary disk - swap file is 1GB and located on this disk only)
Samsung Spinpoint-T 500GB HD501LJ (Secondary disk)
2x Samsung SyncMaster 913N monitors
I'm running Windows XP SP2
Winamp v5.32
BSPlayer v1.36
Current voltages (according to SpeedFan):
CPU Core: 1.58V
Chipset: 1.52V
+3.3V: 3.25V
+5V: 5.89V
+12V: 11.52V
+5V: 5.00V
Vbat: 3.06V
I know the voltages look pretty poor, but they have always been that bad, and my computer is stable, so I'm inclined to either disagree with the readings or just ignore the fact that they are pretty off.
Any help/comments/suggestions are extremely welcome!