Hey guys i have a problem!!
I have been trying to copy a dvd but whe its creating the image to copy is when i am
encountering the problem. Ive used a couple of different programs but all dont finish
BTW the disc has hardly any damage on it, very few minor scratches...no major damage like
chips or anything loike that and you can only see the minor scratches in a very bright
light. The disc is in great condition, its very hard to see any scratches at all.
ANyways with nero it stops at 99% when creating the image and says reading disc failed. With
DVD shrink, once i open disc it comes up with the DVD shrink encountered an error and cannot
continue. Invalid DVD navigation structure. I have also tried DVD decrypter and it also gets
to 99% before it fails to read sectors!!! I have also tried DVDfab decrypter and it doesnt
bring up the disc at all when i insert it!!
I have cleaned the disc twice with a dvd cleaner but nothing....i am beginning to think that
the disc has some damage i cannot see but i also think the disc may have some protection
where it cannot be copied!!
Is there anyway to know for sure whether the disc is damaged or has some protection on it???
The fact that it happens on 99% is pretty wierd so i think it could be some protection but
you guys know more than me. What do you think???