Slightly odd question here...
I took advantage of eBuyers and Googles great offer on 2GB's of RAM for my MacBook. Ordered it for next day delivery and it arrived this morning, perfect as I go off on holiday tomorrow - so all seemed to be going well
However, this was not to be and of course a problem appeared - for once not a CityLink mess-up - the rather important issue that the screws covering the RAM slots in my MacBook are so tiny I have absolutely nothing here that can open them. I've tried the set of screwdrivers I got in the christmas crackers - they are small, but, obviously not the best quality and so don't fit.
Apple says I need a size 00 philips, people online say 000 is more likely and what they had to use. Looking at B&Q's online, size 0 is the smallest they seem to do.
Has anyone else come across this problem, and if so, does anyone know where I can find a screwdriver for these stupidly small screws? First-hand knowledge/experience would be great, but, I'll take any suggestions due to the time-issue of leaving tomorrow and needing this RAM!