I've had my computer built up for the last 18 months or so and haven't touched any of the settings since i originally built it. Yesterday, I turned it on, and about a minute after this, it turned off. No BSOD or anything. Now it turns off within about a minute or so of turning it on. This doesn't happen at the same time, and even did it while i was sitting in the BIOS, so its not a software issue. I'm not sure if its the PSU or the graphics card, and cannot get hold of either of these to borrow and test with.
I've removed everything except whats needed to boot. All the temperatures are fine(tested with everest), Hard drives sit at about 30 degrees and PSU at about 28 degrees. The graphics card sits in the mid 50s, with about 60-65 under load.
Specs are as follow
Vista Ultimate edition
Abit KN8 Ultra 939 mobo,
2 x 1GB samsung dual channel ram, 400mhz, clocked at 412mhz
AMD 3800 X2 Oc'd to 2.5ghz/core
WD 120 and 250Gb Sata 2 hard drives
Gigabyte 6800GT @Ultra speed
All the voltages have been adjusted, and timings etc configured and have been set for the 18 months. Any memory tests etc pass with flying colours.
Any help is greatly appreciated.