You lot are so good to me! The Laptop is HP Pavilion zv6000. I really do appreciate all the help guys, Thanks again x
You lot are so good to me! The Laptop is HP Pavilion zv6000. I really do appreciate all the help guys, Thanks again x
Hey Guys, I couldn't upload any pics but have found a web page with my Lappy on and if you scroll down there are pics of the underside and of the drive.
HP are good for one thing - their service guides
Also available in a 3 part RAR from here
It's actually sounding promising. Remove the screw to the left of the serial number sticker. use a paper clip to eject the 'media tray'. the drive should then be released.
It sounds like the drive might be a regular slim IDE unit inside the media bay casing. You can remove it easily to check though
Whoohoo! A breakthrough! I managed to find a site with instructions on how to remove the drive-undo 1 screw, put a paperclip in a release hole, a voila! It's removed!!!! Just need to find a reasonably priced replacement and I can do it without getting (possibly) ripped off at a shop!
If there are any eagle eyes out there for a bargin I'm after a dvd writable drive No TS-L532R
And once again, a very, VERY BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL
That looks like a Samsung drive according to a quick Google.
Prodiving it is a regular slimline drive, and of these should work fine and will probably be higher spec too.
Last edited by peterb; 18-08-2007 at 08:54 PM.
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