- Asus A8N32 SLi Deleux
- X2 4400+ 393 2x1Mb
- 2Gb Corsair Twinx CMX1024-3200C2
- 7100GS PCIe gfx
- Hyper power 450W PSU
- 2 * 512Mb Winbond BH-5 (original) - used for testing
Large scale memory corruption, after a year of solid operation this machine performed a couple of random crashes and then corrupted my windows install on bootup (required re-install). I have since bought a new PC so this is me trying to fix the old one.
I have run memtest86 in various setups and they all produce errors
- 13,000+ errors after 2mins with 2Gb in dual channel
- 200+ errors after 10mins with 1Gb of corsair (various slots)
- 25+ errors after 10mins with 512Mb of winbond
- winbond in dual channel doesnt post
I think that CPU memory controller is flakey but I am willing to try any reasonable solutions. Windows based solutions are going to be difficult due to windows needing a re-install and likely hood of corruption is high. I am trying to procure the use of another CPU/mobo to attempt to exclude any one part.