Hi, i have vista installed on my 150Gb WD raptor,
Sometimes i get an explorer.exe crash and told that somethings up with memory :S
The hardisk stops working completely as i can hear it when it works as its quite loud.
Its like it shuts down and the only way i can use my computer agen is by restarting it!
Sometimes the pc also freezes where nothing happens and everything stops respoding (cant hear hard disk working either) but after around 30 seconds everything is perfect again!
Been having this problem since i built this pc about 5 months ago!
Recently i realised that sometimes C drive dissappears ant i cannot open anything up, but what already is open, such as an msn conversation, works perfectly fine!
Does anyone know why this happens!?
It is my hard disk or my ram?
Ran memtest before but no errors have shown up :/
Anyone have a clue?