Lo dudes.
Sair's parents have a fine and dandy Soltek Cubic with an nForce 2 mobo. It's on a "so far" fine Maxtor drive.
I got them a WD Caviar SE 160gb drive new, and intended to Drive Image7 it across.
Except, after replicating the drive, and using all the spare space, it wouldn't boot as a boot drive. I'm not bad with Drive Image7, so after 3 attempts with different settings, including partitioning and formating first with CP disk and then trying to Image it with no luck, I tried something else.
I tried just installing XP on it. Fresh. And while it formats and copies the files...it won't reboot on that drive. As though there is no boot sector.
If I just partition it, and then boot from the original maxtor drive, with this as a slave, it's a perfectly readable and useable D drive, and moreover, all the XP files are on there from my attempted XP install. But it wont boot from that drive, even with a fresh XP install (quite new XP with SP2, oem)
So....does anyone know of any nForce2 and WD drive issues? Or am I missing something important with WD drives. Jumper settings, so far, are Cable Select and also with no jumper (as it's on its own channel)
The only other drives in the maxchine are either the optical drive (for XP install) of the Maxtor (for imaging) and in both cases, they're on different EIDE channels.
Thanks for any help you guys can suggest