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Thread: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    Just built a new system.

    Asus p5q-e
    Corsair TwinX 4GB Twin2x4096-6400C5
    Gigabyte 1GB HD4850
    Samsung 500GB Spinpoint F1

    Installed Vista Home Premium SP1 and first of all set about installing the latest Catalysts for the 4850. However after telling vista that I was sure I wanted to install them, I got a window saying:

    "This program might not have installed correctly"
    I can either 'reinstall using recommended settings' or say 'this program installed correctly'

    This box appeared so fast it couldn't have installed AT ALL.

    I tried another app, same thing.

    I also tried turning off UAC and rebooting, then tried to install the apps again - this time I didn't even got a box saying it might not have installed correctly, absolutely NOTHING happened.

    I then tried to install the chipset drivers (though in the past the windows own versions have usually sufficed) so I put the mobo dvd in the drive:

    'A unidentified program wants access to your computer'

    I allow it, and again nothing happens

    After some advice that my vista install was possibly hosed, I installed it again.

    I got a BSOD during one of the installation reboots!

    I'm running out of patience with this thing now

    Thanks for any help!

  2. #2
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    Have you tried running Memtest see of ot throws up any wrroros?
    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzen
    When I say go, both walk in the opposite direction for 10 paces, draw handbags, then bitch-slap each other!

  3. Received thanks from:

    losimagic (13-10-2008)

  4. #3
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    I haven't yet - wasn't sure if it was worth it if this didn't sound like a memory issue.

    My other thought was to take out one stick and format/install vista and see if I could install apps, and then try the same again with the other stick - would that be a quick way of diagnosing it? I imagine memtest on a 2gb stick twice (you have to test each stick on their own don't you?) would take a long time :/

  5. #4
    Zzzzzzz sleepyhead's Avatar
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    On the PC you have specified, I doubt it would take no longer than 30 minutes for 1 pass of all 7 tests.

    Usually best practice to let it run at least 5 times or even over night if you are a zealot.

  6. #5
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    OK thanks - and should I try 1 stick at a time?

    edit: doesn't one of the tests take 3 hours?

  7. #6
    Zzzzzzz sleepyhead's Avatar
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    My bad, just saw you had 2x2 GB setup, so no longer than an hour I suspect per pass.

    I think Test 7 took the longest for me, but I still completed it under 30 minutes per pass on my 1GB stick (not 100% confirmed as I went off to watch some TV).

    Definitely try 1 stick at a time and in each slot. You can stop the test when you see errors.

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    losimagic (13-10-2008)

  9. #7
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    sorry should have made that clearer - I'll start the tests in a bit then.

    One other question regarding slots; the p5q has 4 slots, A1, A2, B1 and B2. I put one stick in A1 and the other in B1, is that correct? I remember when I built my first system I put them both in the same bank but a friend suggested that it's better to split them between banks?

  10. #8
    Zzzzzzz sleepyhead's Avatar
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    Quote Originally Posted by losimagic View Post
    One other question regarding slots; the p5q has 4 slots, A1, A2, B1 and B2. I put one stick in A1 and the other in B1, is that correct? I remember when I built my first system I put them both in the same bank but a friend suggested that it's better to split them between banks?
    You'll have to refer to the user manual for correct installation for Dual Channel model as I am not familiar with the Asus motherboard layout.

    EDIT: Don't forget to thank 0iD for his suggestion of running memtest.

  11. #9
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    Just turned the system on before running memtest and it either blue-screened before getting to Vista or just kept restarting near the progress bar :/

    Memtest is running on the first stick now so hopefully it'll find something

    Thanks for the thanks reminder Been a while since I was here and had forgotten about that

  12. #10
    Zzzzzzz sleepyhead's Avatar
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    No need to thank me...I just chimed in with my view based off 0iD's suggestion.

    My faulty memory caused BSOD/reboots at random points so it does sound like slightly iffy memory or incorrectly setup memory.

  13. #11
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    first stick had 5 passes, no problems - tried to boot into vista with just that stick, still had errors - friend said that if i installed with two sticks, 1 bad, the install would probably be corrupt - this sound right?

    Ran the test on the 2nd stick - instantly got 62 errors.

    Bits in Error Mask: ffffffff Test2 32766/12xxx (that final number keeps changing)

    and the test appears to have stalled, it's stuck at 16 seconds so I guess it's job is complete!

  14. #12
    Zzzzzzz sleepyhead's Avatar
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    Quote Originally Posted by losimagic View Post
    first stick had 5 passes, no problems - tried to boot into vista with just that stick, still had errors - friend said that if i installed with two sticks, 1 bad, the install would probably be corrupt - this sound right?

    Ran the test on the 2nd stick - instantly got 62 errors.

    Bits in Error Mask: ffffffff Test2 32766/12xxx (that final number keeps changing)

    and the test appears to have stalled, it's stuck at 16 seconds so I guess it's job is complete!
    Well now we know there is an issue with the RAM. Just before RMA'ing the RAM, double check that the RAM is getting the correct voltage and timings (set up in the BIOS).

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    losimagic (13-10-2008)

  16. #13
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepyhead View Post
    Well now we know there is an issue with the RAM. Just before RMA'ing the RAM, double check that the RAM is getting the correct voltage and timings (set up in the BIOS).

    you'll need to bare with me on that then, bios isn't my strong point...

    DRAM Frequency is set to DDR2-800MHz (I set that to auto earlier but it made things worse)
    DRAM Timing Control is Auto
    1st Information : 5-5-5-18-3-42-6-3
    2nd Information : 8-3-5-4-6-4-6
    3rd Information : 14-5-1-6-6
    DRAM Voltage is Auto

    I hope that's somewhat relevant

  17. #14

    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    It's looking like it's a memory fault, but before RMAing I'd suggest setting the RAM voltage to 2.1 - I believe that's what yours should run at.

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    losimagic (13-10-2008)

  19. #15
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    Quote Originally Posted by Splash View Post
    It's looking like it's a memory fault, but before RMAing I'd suggest setting the RAM voltage to 2.1 - I believe that's what yours should run at.
    If 2.1 isn't right, is there anything bad that's going to happen?

  20. #16
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    Re: Does this sound like bad memory, or something else?

    just tried at 1.9v to be safe, booted to vista with no blue screens, restarted as well with no blue screens but memtest just locks up after 58 seconds in test 3. Definitely sounds like bad RAM

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