Using QuikTransfer
The QuikTransfer Copy Jobs feature offers an easy-to-use interface that allows you to define and save a set of options to backup files from one NAS device (including any external storage devices connected to it) to any other NAS device, without the need for a client computer. you can schedule Copy Jobs to run whenever you are away, or you can run them anytime with the convenient QuikTransfer option that lets you back up a device at the touch of a button.
You can set Copy Jobs to run whenever a user presses the QuikTransfer button on the Iomega StorCenter device. This is known as the QuikTransfer option. After a user presses the QuikTransfer button, all Copy Jobs with the QuikTransfer option enabled run sequentially. The LCD panel on the Iomega StorCenter device displays the status of each Copy Job. Also, QuikTransfer Copy Jobs display with a in the Copy Jobs table.