Hi there, I have a Mac Pro and some time ago I installed bootcamp and partitioned my drive as I wanted to run windows on it. Something went wrong and windows wasn't properly installed though. This is not the real problem as now I can't be bothered anymore (I'd wanted to play a specific PC game on the computer).
Now however, because of my attempt to install bootcamp, restarting my computer has become a nightmare. If it's switched off or restarted it doesn't automatically start up the mac operating system, but goes to a grey screen for about ten seconds and then a black screen with "disk error: press any key to restart" (which doesn't work and the computer simply has to be manually restarted).
I'm aware that you're meant to hit 'option/alt' when it's on the grey screen but this never works predictably and sometimes it's 15 or more restarts before I'm finally successful hitting that alt button to make it then bring up a choice for windows or mac.
My question is - is there a way to reverse this process so my computer just starts up normally again and I don't have to sit around for hours insanely bashing the alt button in a desperate attempt to get my computer back after it's restarted?
Many many thanks