Hi! My computer wont start up with nvidia drivers installed, only in safe mode. Everytime i start my computer i have to go in to safe mode, and unistall nvidia drivers,otherwise my computer just locks up when starting windows(the famous bluescreen). Before this happened, i got dots on my screen, i installed the latest drivers, it seemed to work fine, until i got nvlddmkm.sys a few times, and then it crashed and it became like it is now, but a day later it worked fine again, only to crash and remain like this again, now permanently, unless i do something about it, and i don't know what to do, and im asking here for some kind of advice.
I havent done anything with my card, i didnt try it in another computer (dont have one to try it in)
My guess is, the dots appeared for overheating, and then it were something wrong with the latest drivers, that did this to my card (?)
and i've tried install old drivers, but nothing seems to help, altho i havent reinstalled windows.
any suggestions, or questions?