I will have to try them in the same slot tomorrow, just tried them in the slot they were already in before so far.
On my first BSOD though, I moved them out of the 2 slots closest to the CPU, and into the 2 furthest away, to see if that changed anything. It didn't.
Anyway, I think I found my bad stick
. Tried running it with the second stick, and I couldn't even get to the login screen without a BSOD. Tried twice, got BSODs both times, then switched back to the other. No BSODs again with that stick
So, I'll leave my computer turned off overnight, try again with the good stick, then run a memtest on the bad stick in the good sticks slot.
Do I need to try booting again with the probably bad stick in the good stick's slot, or will a memtest me enough to prove its bad? As windows made me do a chkdsk after my second BSOD, and I'd rather not get corrupted stuff and have to do another windows install if I can help it